
Friday, February 24, 2012

Bikin kabel LAN

Seru tadi praktek KomDatJar ! HHahahah ngerangkai kabel LAN gitu. Ampun dah, ada beberapa halangan tapi akhirnya bisa bikin 2 UTP itu.. stright dan cross :D

Tar kapan-kapan di upload yah fotonya.

Malam blogi, miss u.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Si Doyle ultah :D

Tadi gimana ya? hahhaha bentar..

Pokonya udah rencanain bakal minta bantuin pa Urip buat ngerjain dia, tapi sayangnya pa Urip ga bisa masuk kelas gara-gara harus ngebimbing mahasiswa yang mau Seminar gitu, kalo ga salah. Errrrr rencana gagal.

Tadi nyelip-nyelip hello kitty gitu ke kamarnya, iya..bros ijo buat krudungnya. Semoga bermanfaat.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

[SMS] Si Adhe telah pergi

Dapet SMS seperti ini dari nomor saya?? BARUSAN!
Ass wrwb.. Selamat malam. Kenal ade? Saya anak dari ibu kosnya ade. Saya tdk memakai nmr pribadi karena takutnya anda bingung atau ragu2 dgn nmr baru (nmr saya) & adanya SMS ini. Saya hanya mengirimkankabar ini ke semua nmr di contact disini. Hari ini sekitar 30mnit yang lalu (pukul 9 sekian) terjadi sesuatu pd dirinya yang tak dapat dihindari, tadi sepulang ia membeli makan di pinggiran jalan ds.ciwaruga, bandung. Sgt sulit saya jelaskan disini krena trjadi dgn tiba2. Ade pergi mninggalkan kita semua... Mari bersama..kita mendoakannya.. semoga ia tenang pergi ke Jepang-nya, untuk membantu ULTRAMAN dlm membasmi kejahatan!! WAHAHAHHAH
Tadi, saya coba ngirim SMS iseng itu ke beberapa nomor hp di phone-book saya.. hahhahaha

Dosen pagi ini

Siapakah beliau?
Yak.. hari selasa pagi (7.50) dapet materi kuliah Operating System. Dosennya siapa cik ?

Bu TR.. :)
Okeh, menantang nih, moga saya selalu ontime atau sudah berada di kelasnya ketika mata kuliahnya dimulai! HAHAHA aaaaamiiiiin..

Komunikasi Data dan Jaringan tadi sama pak Setiadi Rachmat (ST), ngajar yang teori. Tadi cuma bentar cuy, intermezoooo.. Tapi tadi udah dapat bekal sedikit, atau gambaran yang bakal kita dapet kedepannya..zzz. Banyak kata-kata yang TIDAK saya mengerti, diantarannya.. SISCO (sisko darurat! yow! sisco darurat! #disko), terus ada layer-layer.. dan saya malah kepikiran layer di photoshop! ampunDJ.. rajin-rajin nyari referensi ini mah cuy..

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

[FIRST DAY] Semester 4

Dapet segambreng tugas.. Well..lumayan kenyang.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

5 Things You Should Never Say While Negotiating

Every entrepreneur spends some time haggling, whether it is with customers, suppliers, investors, or would-be employees. Most business owners are street smart, and seem to naturally perform well in negotiations. You probably have a trick or two—some magic phrases to say, perhaps—that can help you gain the upperhand. But, often, the moment you get into trouble in a negotiation is when something careless just slips out. If you are new to negotiation, or feel it is an area where you can improve, check out these tips on precisely whatnot to say.

1. The word "between." It often feels reasonable—and therefore like progress—to throw out a range. With a customer, that may mean saying "I can do this for between $10,000 and $15,000." With a potential hire, you could be tempted to say, "You can start between April 1 and April 15." But that word between tends to be tantamount to a concession, and any shrewd negotiator with whom you deal will swiftly zero-in on the cheaper price or the later deadline. In other words, you will find that by saying the word between you will automatically have conceded ground without extracting anything in return.

10 Questions That Create Success

Think that success means making lots of money?  Think again.
Pictures of dead presidents have never made anybody happy. And how can you be successful if you're not happy? And buying things with that all money isn't much better. A new car, for instance, might tickle your fancy for a day or two–but pride of ownership is temporary.

Real success comes from the quality of your relationships and the emotions that you experience each day. That's where these 10 questions come in.

6 Phrases You Should Never Say Again

Years ago, I worked for a manager that was the poster child of buzzwords. He loved slipping “cones of precision” and “silos” and “drill down” and… well, let’s just stop there. (Oh, he also bought one of the first Palm Pilots, so roomfuls of people often sat waiting while he laboriously entered timelines and schedules into his calendar. Yep, he was one of those.) One of my colleagues maintained a running list of this manager’s buzzwords. If this colleague heard a new one, he pulled a small notepad out of his shirt pocket and wrote it down. Whenever he whipped out his pad two things happened: 1) the manager looked smug and proud because he thought he had just said something so insightful the supervisor wanted to capture for it for posterity, and 2) the rest of us tried not to laugh because we knew what was really going on. Guess how productive those meetings were.

14 Easy Ways to Get Insanely Motivated

It's getting toward the end of the year, so with the holidays in sight, I thought it appropriate to give you all a little gift: a column that I guarantee will make you more more successful in the coming year.

Here are 14 quick strategies to get and keep yourself motivated:
1. Condition your mind. Train yourself to think positive thoughts while avoiding negative thoughts.

2. Condition your body. It takes physical energy to take action.  Get your food and exercise budget in place and follow it like a business plan.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Kenapa malah tepar

Gambreng banget..
Saya baru bangun tidur dong... Sial! Sesuatu yang saya sayangkan terjadi pada hari libur, zzz. Tidur ga ngehasilin apa-apa coy. Padahal sebenernya siang ini tu si Mey ngajakin ke BTC juga, ada acara asik lah pokoknya di sana.. tapi KENAPA SAYA TIDUR! :@ RAWR!
Tadi tu mulai tidurnya jam 7  pagi! niatnya bakal bangun jam 9an, eh malah kebablasan. Emang si ga terlalu masalah, tidur kurang lebih 7 jam lah tadi, masih normal lah kalo dibandingin bulan lalu tidur jam 1 siang, terus bangun jam 3 siang esok harinya. Katanya kakak angkat, saya koma ringan. Pret.. What the fake! Ya nggak lah, itu karna capek aja. Yah, masih normal kan? Yang barusan yang 7 jam juga, zzz.. Masalahnya, saya lupa tadi pagi ngapain aja, ada yang nelpon atau nggak, saya ngobrol sama siapa, ampuni aku DJ...

Ini demi apa udah hari minggu lagi, jiah. Besok daftar ulang. Minggu depan masuk.. Buaaaaahuhuhu belum puas liburannya coy!

Monday, February 6, 2012


Sebenernya banyak yang pengen saya ceritain cuy! Kamu kemana aja, Blogiiiiii!! :@
*minum air*

Well..  sekarang sih lagi ngga mood cerita, pengen share hasil editan aja.. 
